Return Policy

Return / Refund Policy

We offer free returns with a refund for the product cost on new, unopened items within 7 days of purchase or delivery. These items should be in their undamaged, original packaging. Special order returns are at our discretion on a case-by-case basis. If you would like to make a return or exchange, you must bring the unused item into our store in new condition. An employee will be glad to help you complete the return or exchange.

Non-Customized Stock Equipment: PCSSMS will accept returns/refunds up to 7 days from the date of delivery as long as the item is in new condition, with packaging intact and saleable. If a client is unsatisfied with an item, we will first offer to fix or replace it. After 7 days the manufacturer’s warranty will apply.

Special Ordered Items: PCSSMS may accept returns/refunds on specially ordered equipment that PCSSMS does not normally stock, up to 7 days of purchase. As long as the item is in new condition, with packaging intact and saleable, the customer will be credited the purchase price, less a 25% restocking fee.

Returns will not be accepted on items that are:

  • Opened or used
  • Hygienic items
  • All Bathroom products
  • Missing their serial number or UPC
  • Special orders (returned at our discretion)
  • Returned more than 7 days after delivery
  • Returned without notification

PCSSMS Cannot accept returns for the Following Products

Customized Equipment: PCSSMS WILL NOT ACCEPT returns/refunds on equipment that has been custom-made or ordered to the patient’s specification.

Respiratory Equipment: PCSSMS WILL NOT ACCEPT returns on disposable items such as respiratory masks, headgear, nasal pillows, tubing, etc. due to infection control issues. These items are considered single-use and disposable.

Bath Equipment: PCSSMS WILL NOT ACCEPT returns/refunds on bathroom equipment due to cross-contamination/infection control issues.

Breast Pumps, Ostomy Supplies, Compression Garments, and Nutrition items: PCSSMS WILL NOT ACCEPT returns/refunds on any breast pumps or compression garments due to cross-contamination/infection control issues. We will not accept returns/refunds on any ostomy supplies or nutrition items due to the question of proper storage methods once supplies leave PCSSMS.

Refund Processing

Items purchased by credit card will be processed immediately. If the method of payment was cash, a refund check will be issued on the next Accounts Payable cycle. If the method of payment was by check, we must allow 15 days once the check has been deposited before a refund can be issued. A refund check will then be issued on the next Accounts Payable cycle.

Thank you for shopping with us!