Thousands of Products!
With over ten thousand products available in our stores or warehouse, we can get what you need, when you need it!
Amazing customer service
We pride ourselves in making you happy. We don’t just sell products, we help you find what you really need. How can we help you today?
Broke down? Need new batteries? We’ll send a tech out right away. You can also swing into one of our stores to have a professional take a look.

We accept Medicare, Medicaid, and most major insurance plans.
Our specialists are ready to answer your questions. Call us at 651-982-0000 or fill out our contact form on the contact page.
It is our privilege to offer a wide variety of mobility and medical supply products.
We consider each patient an important part of our companies success. Along with outstanding service and customer satisfaction, you can expect to find a knowledgeable team of professional mobility sales representatives. Our staff will be happy to assist our patients from the convenience of their own home, so that well-thought-out decisions can be made by the patient and/or their loved ones. A good decision is one that effectively meets our patient’s lifestyle needs.
Just give us a call to schedule an appointment!